Tuesday, March 24, 2009

chapter 16 3/24

' "But Abba and Ma will never let us- (Aisha)"
"Sometimes we have to do the right thing. In our own way (Nadira)" -page 148

In this quote, it is talking about how Nadira and Aisha are going to go see Mr. Friedlander, the math teacher and tell him everything about their family situation (the whole truth). Abba and Ma do not want the girls to tell anyone anything, though. The parents don't want the risk of the math teacher telling the colleges that they are illegal, and spoiling Aisha chance to go to college. But Nadira thinks differently. She thinks that if they tell Mr. Friedlander what is happening, it will explain better why Aisha has been missing school, and it will give her a better chance at becoming valedictorian. I agree with Nadira. She knows the math teacher better than her parents do and trusts that he would not "tell" on the family. Nadira and Aisha are getting old enough and reponsible enough to make good dessions by them selves. Nadira wants Aisha do be the best that she can be in life and she is helping her because she cares a lot about her sister.

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